knit, knit, purl, purl, knit, knit, purl, purl, knit, knit..

Friday, February 16, 2007

Dishcloth #3

I really should make some of these for my own house as well! Well, here's #3 for my Mother-In-Law in Turkey. This pattern is A Little Lace Kitchen Cloth. I'm not sure how many I should make total ... 3 is probably enough, since I'll be including some potpurri and the like as well, and I'll wrap a wide satin ribbon around the dishcloths. I'm all about presentation. Of course, I'll have to do it in a way which will hold-up through the several thousand mile air shipping!

Still working on DH's socks intermittently. He's been wearing just the one hand-knit with his other socks - he really wants its partner.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Dishcloth #2

I just love this pattern! It is the "Doily Style" dishcloth from Dishcloth Boutique. (Found on this page - ) It is #2 in the series for my MIL. I'm not sure what's up next. I have another ball of pure white and a ball of cobalt blue cotton yarn. to peruse patterns!

Thursday, February 08, 2007


I celebrate even the small victories. :) The first of several dishcloths I intend to knit for my MIL ... the colors are more blue, green, yellow and white ... for some reason my scanner just doesn't *get it*.

I also - TA DA! finished DH's first sock. Thank God. I'd scan a pic of that too, but it's a really boring sock and he's also wearing it. *sigh*

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


I am knitting a series of dishcloths to send to my MIL in Turkey. I'm using them as my "completely-bored-with-DH's-socks-so-I'm-breaking-up-the-monotony" projects. This one is the Baby Fern Stitch from Dishcloth Boutique.