Liver As Stitchmarker...

Hahaha this is what I spent my evening on! I made internal organ (and one *external organ ;)) stitch markers! It was way fun! The uterus was my favorite prior to baking, then everything got blackened in the oven. The liver and intestines came out best of all, because the oven-blackening actually made their colour more lifelike. I think tomorrow I'm going to make multiple uteri. That IS the best organ, after all.
Stupid heart takes all the glory!
I finished the lace-up gloves for my sistah! The second looks exactly as the first, so I'm not posting another pic, just see below. I just cast-on a cotton roll-brim hat (from Last Minute Knitted Gifts) for my niece. Her sweet lil head outgrew the last one I made. I love these little hats, they are wicked cute.
I think it is the week of the small project, because pretty much everything I have in mind is pretty small. The lace mohair fiasco really hurt my knitter ego!
OK, now for my mother-in-law's shawl it's a toss-up between Clapotis and Ella, both from knitty. To be continued...
In the meantime, here's a close-up of my liver stitch marker!

I love these! I'm trying to get the money together for nursing school. Hopefully I can make it! These are the coolest markers I've ever seen!
12:28 PM
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