Not Givin' Up
I don't think I've ever gone this long with just one project OTN! But, as my first pair of socks, these have a special place in my knitterly heart, and I want to get them done right. I did cast-on again the same day I frogged the entirety of the first sock, this is the progress I've made thus far:

I just finished turning the heel and picking-up stitches along the heel flap - formerly my least favorite part of sock knitting, now a simple aspect which breezes by! I'm really proud to have stuck it out and committed to finishing these socks, despite all the setbacks (pulling the wrong needle out of the lace pattern, tearing back after DS got hold of my knitting, redoing toes, and *finally* re-knitting an entire sock!).
The Starburst Sweater can officially bite my big behind - too many negative reviews online, I'm not risking a huge project on a bad pattern. I am thinking to use the yarn for a moebius wrap a la knitty gritty. Still need the enormous needles though!
In the meantime, I got some Regia yarn in a green/brown colorway - HALF OFF BABY! Yea, LYS rocks. Some KnitPicks Classic Circs on the way to try out knitting two socks w/ two circs. Should be interesting...

They're very pretty, love the colors! Is that a lacey pattern? I can't really see on my laptop monitor. Doesn't it feel great to knit socks, I love eet!
7:13 PM
Yep it is a bit lacey ... the pattern is from tbe Townsend sock KAL on yahoo (Pretty Petals).
7:34 PM
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