MANY WIPs and some yarn porn...

Ah, first the yarn from 100purewool - pretty, no? Darn well should be - it took almost a month to get here. I like it though. The stuff on the left is destined for a project for my MIL, the one on the right was supposed to be for me, but with holiday knitting and all it may get gifted.

DH's socks...BFF socks, which have been taking forever and are supposed to be done Dec 10, in time for his birthday. *sigh* It's hard to do cabling justice with dark yarn - can ya see the product of all my hard work in those teeny tiny cables?

This is the rest of the yarn destined for projects before the holidays...the brown Lamb's Pride is going to be a teddy bear for DS, the blue Lamb's Pride will be a cabled sweater vest for DS, the sock yarn in the middle I have 50 more grams of and probably won't do much with until after the holidays, and the pink/purple on the right is going to be a scarf for my sis. :)
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