Yesterday I was so sick I couldn't get out of bed. I caught a nasty flu from someone (though we have yet to figure out where I picked this up) and I had a raging fever, headache, sore throat, achy muscles, general weakness, etc. I haven't been that sick in a long time. Needless to say I didn't get more than two rows of knitting done yesterday. Here's a pic of the scarf that refuses to be finished:

It really is coming along nicely, I'm just ready to be done with this project. It's about 45" long right now. The pattern calls for it to be 78", but I asked my Mom how she wears her scarves and that would be too long for her. I'm thinking another 12-18".
I also took out DS' sweater again today. I'm really not sure I can rescue it. He got ahold of it and tore out God knows what and I have some yarn ends which are unidentifiable as to what they are supposed to be doing. :( I think I'll just continue and fix what I need to with a tapestry needle at the end. Hopefully it will work out.